Month: April 2021


While many airlines had lofty ambitions, most would admit that they have faced challenges in growing their distribution volumes via the New Distribution Capability (NDC) as quickly as they would have liked. An aspect that is increasingly important is the role of NDC aggregators, the bridge between supply (airlines) and demand (sellers). Travel in Motion’s (TiM) founding partner Daniel Friedli took a deeper look into the value added by NDC aggregators and general challenges to NDC adoption. Through a comprehensive survey with aggregators as well as interviews with IATA, airlines, aggregators and sellers, TiM explored what works well, and what does not.  The paper should help airlines, aggregators, sellers and NDC solution vendors address these issues and find solutions at an early stage of the project and implementation.

The time and efforts to research and write such a paper are made possible through sponsorship. In this instance, we thank our sponsor Datalex for the support.